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Restorative Health

  • ALPHA LIPOIC ACID – ALA-300 – 60 capsules


    Health Canada NPN: 80035213

    Provita Nutrition Alpha Lipoic Acid ALA-300 is an excellent antioxidant, detoxifier, heavy metal chelator, & general cleanser. Provides support for sugar metabolism!

  • ARTEMISININ PRO – 30 capsules


    Artemisinin Pro from Provita Nutrition is an alternative way to fight bacterial infections, parasites and viruses.

    Heath Canada NPN: 80074547

  • ARTEMISININ PRO – 60 capsules


    Artemisinin Pro from Provita Nutrition is an alternative way to fight bacterial infections, parasites and viruses.

    60 Capsules

    Heath Canada NPN: 80074547



    Source of antioxidants


    • Provides unique antioxidants
    • Protects against oxidative stress
    • High Potency 250mg per capsule

    60 vcaps | NPN: 80102913

  • ENDOTHIONE – 60 Vcaps


    Provita Nutrition Endothione


    Start a unique gut fermentation process to produce biocompatible glutathione, easily recognized, absorbed and utilized by the body.


    60 VCAPS | NPN: 80079293

  • FOO TI TENG BIOVIT (4:1 extract)


    Health Canada NPN: 80064873

    Provita Nutrition Biovit Foo-Ti-Teng is an excellent herbal tonic, energizer, rejuvenator. Stimulant for the body, hair and skin, Biovit Foo Ti Teng also provides support for sugar metabolism.

  • GLUCO CARE – 60 Capsules


    There are two types of diabetes: when the body does not produce enough insulin and when the body produces insulin but the insulin receptors become insensitive to it (insulin resistance). Provita Nutrition Gluco Care made by CELEX Laboratories is a unique, safe and patented cinnamon extract blended with several complementary and synergistic ingredients for effective help with the management of  elevated blood sugar. This Product is NOT FOR SALE in CANADA

  • INDOLE-3-CARBINOL – 30 VCaps


    Health Canada NPN: 80059133

    Indole-3-carbinol (C9H9NO) is produced by the breakdown of the glucosinolate glucobrassicin, which can be found at relatively high levels in cruciferous vegetables.

  • Metabolix – 60 Veggie Caps


    Orthomolecular combination of ingredients that help activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)


    • Improve cellular energy homeostasis
    • Swich from using glucose to burning fat for cellular energy which may be beneficial for losing weight
    • 60 vcaps | NPN: 80088745
  • Microhydrinase Pro – 60 Capsules


    Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant

    Microhydrinase Pro provides an orthomolecular combination of micro-nutrients that help to protect the cell and reduce the cellular oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

    Used in conjunction with SERRA PLUS, providing a fast acting anti-inflammatory action.

    Heath Canada NPN: 80068385

    Not for sale in Canada



    Health Canada NPN: 80066633

    Moringa oleifera is a tree that is sometimes called the Tree of Life or a Miracle Tree, but rather than this being in reference to its potential medicinal usage this is actually refering to how it is a very valuable food crop (it is drought resistant, grows very fast, and is highly nutritive) and even beyond food it serves many benefits in third world countries such as having an ability to be used for some crafts (due to being a tree) and cleaning water

  • Nadogen NAD+ SIRT1 – 60 Vcaps

    Helps to increase NAD+ levels to support healthy production of cellular energy. Helps in energy metabolism.


    Complex and unique formulation

    Help increase NAD+ levels

    For the maintenance of cellular energy levels

    60 vcaps | NPN: 80104492

  • PROSTATE PRO – 60 caps


    Health Canada NPN: 80070686

    PROSTATE PRO contains a unique Orthomolecular blend of: phytosterols (Sterols + Sterolins) (including Stigmasterols and Campesterols), herbal extracts and essential amino acids + Zinc and Selenium proved by clinical tests to enhance prostate function and reduce inflammation up to its normal.

  • PTERO GENE – 60 Vcaps


    Provides unique antioxidants


    • Provides unique antioxidants
    • Increases antioxidant bioavailability
    • Protects against oxidative stress
    • Activates Calorie Restriction Factor (CRF)

    60 vcaps | NPN: 80104758

  • RENALIN for Kidney Stones – 60 capsules


    Maintaining an optimal level of uric acid in the blood is very important for the body. A treatment with Provita Nutrition RENALIN helps in maintaining an optimal level of uric acid in the blood. Regular detoxification of the kidneys prevents the formation of kidney and / or bladder stones.



    This product is not for sale in CANADA!!!

    Konig Laboratorium REVITAL-TA contains an orthomolecular formulation aimed at stimulating the immune system for the release and circulation of the telomerase enzyme. Telomerase enzyme controls the length of DNA telomeres.

  • STEMULIN – Stem Cell Activator – 90 Vcaps


    STEMULIN’s formula has resulted in an excellent product which complements Provita Nutrition’s range of original and unique products. Administered alone or in synergistic combinations (such as Activine), STEMULIN represents a new revolutionary way for the alternative medicine:

    • Cell protection against oxidative damage
    • Assist in correcting free radical cell damage
    • Immune system protection
    • With AFA and Fucoidan

    90 vcaps | NPN: 80090881

    Made in Canada

  • UTI PRO with D-mannose – 60 caps


    Provita Nutrition UTI PRO with D-mannose, Cranberry and Juniper is the best natural product on the market today for urinary tract infections including E. coli bacteria.

    Health Canada NPN: 80047511

  • VARITONE – 60 Vcaps


    Used in Herbal Medicine to help treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency and associated symptoms. Provides specific antioxidants.


    • Helps treat varicose veins
    • Helps to improve venous blood circulation and lymphatic kinetics
    • Helps reduce phlebitis, lymphedema and hemorrhoids
    • Supports the healing of leg ulcers

    60 vcaps | NPN: 80106718

  • VITEXIN – Hormone Normalizer – 60 caps


    Vitexin (Chasteberry) is an excellent hormonal tonic for women. Extensive clinical studies as well as over two thousand years of use have proven the effectiveness of this remedy. Provita Nutrition Vitexin works by stimulating and normalizing the pituitary gland, which regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

    Health Canada NPN: 80044921

  • WILD SALMON COLLAGEN – 90 capsules


    Health Canada NPN: 80047502

    Provita Nutrition Wild Salmon Collagen provides the active collagen protein that your skin and articulations need to maintain their flexibility and to replenish the depletion of collagen resources in the body as it ages. Often recommended by practitioners for articulation health and for reducing wrinkles.